Madrid in Game

Fostering Partners


Madrid, a global city, a city of entrepreneurship, opportunities and a strategic centre of the first order in Europe and the world, presses the START button to become the video game capital. With this purpose in mind, "Madrid in Game", an initiative of the Madrid City Council, is born, which aims to promote the creative, entrepreneurial and competitive skills of citizens and professionals in an emerging industry such as the video game industry. The new generation economy, the gaming sector and gamification already have their headquarters. GET IN THE GAME WITH US; GET IN THE GAME WITH MADRID. The video game and gamification industry now has its capital: MADRID. Madrid in Game es una acción transformadora cargada de iniciativas que pone el foco en las empresas y en la sociedad con el propósito de ser motor de cambio sociocultural y económico a través de la gamificación. Nace para impulsar la innovación y la tecnología dentro del ecosistema de la industria del videojuego a nivel local, nacional e internacional con dos objetivos principales: EMPLOYMENT GENERATION AND INTERNATIONALISATION Madrid in Game comes into play to bring the city to the forefront of the sector, boosting the innovative capacity of companies and local talent, with a space for coexistence and generation of industry, employment and talent, together with private companies that are committed to the video game industry and are aligned with the objectives of the initiative. Madrid in Game is developed and driven by two major strategic pillars: the Campus and Cluster. El Campus It is a physical-virtual space that houses different initiatives, centred on three main pillars: development, experiences and Esports. All the activity at the Campus del Videojuego focuses on the promotion and development of new ideas in the field of gamification and video games, through interaction between professionals from the sector, local talent and the industrial fabric centralised in the companies of the Cluster, but open to other initiatives. Located in the Casa de Campo, the Campus del Videojuego has more than 3,000 m2 distributed in three pavilions where the different initiatives of Madrid in Game take place. THE CLUSTER It is an ecosystem that brings together companies covering all sectors of the gaming industry, from development and training to equipment, esports and platforms, as well as distribution, legal and events. THE VIDEO GAMES CLUSTER IS TODAY ONE OF THE LARGEST DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS IN EUROPE WITH MORE THAN 70 COMPANIES.
Gaming & Virtual World
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